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Privacy Policy


As the current legislation requires for the topic related to personal data protection, the T & T METALLI E COMPOSITI SPA is the holder of data treatment, in the shape of its legal representative pro tempore (indicated as “Society” or “Owner”), who provides users visiting the website https://www.tetspa.it (hereafter indicated as the “website”) information about the procession of their data.

What kind of data are processed, what are purposes and legal basis of the treatment

Data for navigation: purposes and legal basis

Computer systems and software procedures, used for this website service, acquire during their normal operation some personal data and their transmission is implicit when using Internet communication protocols.

It deals with information containing the purpose not to be collected for association with identified interested parties, but which could allow users to be identified, by its very nature, through processing and association, with data held by third parties.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers for the users who connect to the site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used for the submission of the demand to the server, the size of the file obtained as feedback, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters connected with the operating system and the user IT environment.

These data have these exclusive purposes of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website, of protecting the site, of checking its correct functioning and could be used to ensure the responsibility if any computer crimes occur against the website.

The legal basis for processing the data is the legitimate interest of the owner and, when required by the Authorities, the legal obligation.

Cookies: reference to cookie policy

With reference to cookies and similar tools used by the site, please refer to cookie policy.

Data directly provided by the user: purposes and legal basis

The personal data optionally provided by the user (for example, request by phone of information to the numbers indicated on the website or to the given e-mail addresses or compilation of the form “contacts” or “request a quote”) are used only to process any requests and to implement the legal obligations and / or pre-contractual obligations and / or contractual obligations arising from the legal relationship in the specific case.

The legal basis of such processing of data are therefore: the legal obligation which involves the holder and the performance of obligations arising from the contract or for the purpose related to its conclusion.

Specific information may be reported in the areas of the site which is dedicated to certain services and the user must view it before providing the data because it contains a detailed indication of all information about the processing of data.


Without prejudice to the validity of information contained in the pages of the site dedicated to specific services, the data won’t be disclosed. The data may be reported to third parties (competent Authorities, consultants or companies providing IT supply services for assistance) if the communication is necessary to fulfil legal obligations or obligations deriving from the relationship existing with the involved person or to give a course to its specific requests or if the third party (included in one of the indicated categories) operates as data processing responsible.

The involved subject can request the Holder processing the data to list any persons able to carry out their activity on behalf of the owner as data processing responsible.

Methods and place of treatment and storage times

The collected data are processed with IT tools and only in a residual way with paper methods. Appropriate security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

The data will be processed only by authorized parties and kept for the strictly time necessary to process the requests of interested parties and in any case in compliance with the law.

For processing of data related to the services of the website, the Owner uses servers located within the European territory. Their transfer abroad is not foreseen.

Nature related to the provision of data

Except for data of navigation necessary to run IT and telematics protocols, the provision of data by users through the various available methods is free and optional. However, failure to provide data will make impossible to give a feedback to the received requests and to take advantage of the services, which are object of interest.

Rights of the interested party

The law gives the right to interested parties to involve the holder processing the data for asking the access to personal data and to adjust or delete it or to limit or to oppose its processing, in addition to the right of data portability.

In detail involved parties own:

  • The right of access, that means the right to obtain from the holder managing the processing of data the confirmation whether or not a personal data treatment is in progress and, in this case, to gain access to personal data and to following information: a) processing purposes; b) categories of the concerned personal data; c) recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, in particular if they are recipients of third countries or international organizations; d) where possible, period of preservation for the personal data provided or, if not possible, for the criteria used to determine this period; e)  right for the interested party to involve the holder processing the data for adjusting or deleting his personal data or for limiting this treatment or for opposing it; f) right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; g) if the data are not collected from the interested subject, all information available on their origin; h) existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such cases, crucial information on the used logic, as well as the importance and the expected consequences of such processing of data for the subject.

If personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organization, the interested subject shall have the right to be informed about the existence of adequate guarantees related to the transfer.

  • The right of correction, that means the right to obtain from the holder processing the data the correction of inaccurate personal data about him without undue delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the subject has the right to obtain the integration of his incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional declaration.
  • The right of deletion, that means the right to obtain from the holder processing the data the deletion of his personal data without undue delay if: a) personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; b) the interested party revokes the consent which is basis of the treatment and if there is no other legal basis for the processing; c) the interested party opposes the processing carried out because it is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to the exercise of public authority investing the holder or for the pursuit of legitimate interest and there is no legitimate prevailing reason to proceed with processing, or he opposes processing for direct marketing purposes; d) personal data have been processed unlawfully; e) personal data must be deleted to fulfil a legal obligation under Union or Member State law to which the holder who processes the data is subject; f) personal data have been collected in relation to the provision of services from the society of information to children. However, the request for deletion cannot be accepted if the treatment is necessary: ​​a) for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; (b) for the fulfilment of a legal obligation requiring treatment under Union or Member State law to which the holder is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority investing the holder who processes the data; c) for reasons of public interest in the public health sector; d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes, as far as the deletion risks to make it impossible or seriously prejudices the achievement of the tasks for such treatment; or e) for the assessment, exercise or protection of a right in court.
  • The right of limitation, that means the right to obtain that the data are processed, except for storage, only with the consent of the interested party or for the assessment, exercise or protection of a right in court or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of significant public interest of the Union or a Member State if: a) the data subject disputes the accuracy of personal data for the period necessary to the controller to verify the accuracy of such personal data; b) the treatment is illegal and the interested party opposes the deletion of personal data requesting instead the limitation of its use; c) although the holder processing the data no longer needs them for processing purposes, personal data are necessary for the interested party to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court; d) the interested party has opposed the treatment , because this is necessary for the management of a public task or it is related to the exercise of public authority involving the owner or for the pursuit to legitimate interests of the holder who processes the data or of third parties, waiting for the confirmation stating a possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons for the holder in comparison with those of the interested party.
  • The right of portability, that means the right to receive, in a structured, commonly and automatically readable form, his personal data provided to the holder and he has the right to transmit such data to another holder without obstacles created form the holder managing them, as well as the right to obtain the direct transmission of personal data from one holder to another, if technically possible, if the processing is based on consent or on a contract and the processing is done by automated means. This right is without prejudice to the right of deletion.
  • The right of opposition, that means the right of the interested party to oppose at any time, for reasons connected with his particular situation, his personal data processing, because this is necessary for the management of a public task or it is related to the exercise of public authority for which the holder is involved or for the pursuit to legitimate interests of the holder processing the data or of third parties. If personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the interested party has the right to oppose at any time to the processing of his personal data for such purposes, including profiling, as far as it is related to such direct marketing.

The interested party can assert his rights at any time, without formalities, by contacting the holder who processes the data, to the email address info@tetspa.it

The interested party is then informed that the law recognizes him the possibility of asserting his rights through an appeal to the Privacy Guarantor or before the judicial authority.

Who is the data holder and how it is possible to contact him

The Data Holder is the T & T METALLI E COMPOSITI SPA, with registered office in Via Pordenone, 2 Rome, P. Iva 05041011007.

  It is possible to contact the Data Holder per email to the following address:  info@tetspa.it




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